A quick list of some major events we are hosting at our church.
Major upcoming events
Election night worship
Tuesday, November 3 @ 7:00PM
FBC sanctuary
On what is sure to be a contentious and stressful night, we're inviting you into a time of worship. Instead of fixing our eyes on cable news, exit polls, and voting results, we're going to fix our eyes on Jesus. Rather than celebrating or lamenting our human leaders, we are going to give praise to the God of the universe who holds all things in the palm of his hand.
Let's spend the last hour of open polls in worship, scripture, and prayer, declaring our allegiance not to a president or party, but to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
So, vote in advance or go to the polls early, and then join us in the sanctuary at 7pm for an hour of election night worship.
Masks required. Find more information and RSVP on Facebook HERE.