Groups AND Gatherings

We highly value regular, intentional communities and gatherings as a fundamental way of growing in faith and sharing life with one another. Below you will find our ongoing groups, along with our seasonal gatherings for community and formation. We hope you will find a place to plug into deep, intentional community - where we can truly know others and be known.

ongoing groups

  • tuesday morning bible study

    tuesdays @ 9:30aM  //  Peace of Christ FELLOWSHIP HALL

    This longstanding group at the church continues to meet on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am to study the Bible. They move slowly through entire books of the Bible.

    Led by Gary Cook

  • adult sunday school

    Sundays @ 9:30AM  //  Back of Sanctuary

    This group meets weekly before Sunday worship to study and pray together. They are usually studying a particular book the Bible, but will sometimes discuss a book or current affairs.

    Led by Chris Miller

  • Children & Youth Sunday school

    Sundays @ 9:30AM  //  Peace of Christ Fellowship Hall

    This group students meets on Sunday mornings before our worship gatherings to discuss life and faith. They share life, read scripture, pray, and learn together.

    Led by Becky & Josh Rassi

Gatherings Throughout the church Year

  • Christmas Blessings

    AN Annual Women's Ministry Gathering to Celebrate the Advent & Christmas On the First Wednesday of December

    This is one of our oldest running church traditions -- a night of food, music, community, and service for the women of our church and their friends. It's always a beautiful night that rings in the Christmas season.

  • Dinner and Caroling Night

    Usually the 3rd Wednesday of December

    This is a lovely night of dinner and community, followed by Christmas caroling to the homebound members of our congregation. This has become an annual tradition over the last decade and a special part of celebrating the Christmas season.

  • Lenten simple Suppers

    WEDNESDAY Nights during the season of Lent

    Each year during the Lenten Season (the 7 weeks before Easter) we gather on Wednesday nights for a simple meal of soup and bread, followed by a short devotional from Pastor Jason or one of our church members.

  • Lent & Holy Week Worship

    Various nights during lent

    We encourage our church to gather fairly frequently during the important season Lent. In addition to our weekly simple meals, we also celebrate:

    • Ash Wednesday (a service of repentance on the first Wednesday of Lent)
    • Maundy Thursday (a celebration of the Last Supper through a variety of service styles)
    • Good Friday (a noon worship gathering with the downtown churches and an evening service with our congregation)
    • Easter Sunrise Service (an early morning gathering to remember the women's faithfulness as the first encountered the resurrection
    • Easter Breakfast (a communal meal in the Fellowship Hall before heading upstairs for Easter worship)


    Throughout the summer we gather to simple celebrate life together, often at the church. There's always food, sometimes live music, and occasionally an outdoor movie.